by Joseph Mullins | Oct 3, 2016 | Custom Software
Rails 5: Ruby on Rails Website Development At MindVision we are constantly moving to be on the edge of technology. Having our primary platform being Ruby on Rails we are pleased to announce that we have started using the new release of Rails; Rails 5. Being a company...
by Joseph Mullins | Oct 2, 2016 | Custom Software
Your Idea The start of your project, that new cool feature that solves a new or existing problem you or your market face. You contact us because you need help to turn your idea into a custom software reality. Let’s get together and see how we can help. Discussion...
by Joseph Mullins | Sep 30, 2016 | Custom Software
What is unit testing? Unit testing is the act of writing code (as simplified as possible using clear English to describe it) to test the logic of the software your business uses. The main goal of testing is to simulate real-world conditions of your application and...